YEAR 2015-16


1. Paresh Vasant Acharekar
Special Topic: To study analysis of Data Traffic using different Routing Protocols in WSN (802.15.4) and MANET (802.11)
Dissertation Topic: Performance Analysis of Improved DSR Protocol in MANET Mobility and Non-Mobility Scenarios
Full Project

2. Shreekant Rajeshwar Gurrapu
Special Topic: Case Study of Performance Analysis of VOIP Codec’s over WLAN
Dissertation Topic: QOS control Approaches of VOIP Codec’s over WLAN
Full Project

3. Combating the Free-Riding Issue in Peer-To-Peer Network to Enhance and Improve the Network Performance


1. Pollution Monitoring using Cooperative Wireless Communication for Swarm Robots

Report: Pollution Monitoring using Cooperative Wireless Communication for Swarm Robots

2. Systematic Toll Deduction

Report: Systematic Toll Deduction